What is CBD?

The cannabis plant contains more than 100 different chemical compounds known as cannabinoids which interact with body’s endocannabinoid system. One of those cannabinoids is CBD, or cannabidiol. CBD is the most prominent cannabinoid found in industrial hemp and is considered non-intoxicating. There is growing research indicating that there are a wide range of health benefits from using CBD and other cannabinoids. 

What are Little Tree's processing practices?

Little Tree's hemp is grown using natural organic growing methods and fungi harvested using sustainable methods. At the lab, Food grade ethyl alcohol is used for extracting all the medical potential from the cannabinoid rich hemp extract flowers. We craft our products here in our licensed, food grade facility while utilizing natural and organic ingredients for all our products.

How do I determine proper dosing?

CBD dosing is an individualized process. The rule of thumb is to start with smaller to moderate doses and work your way up to the achieve the desired effect. Our tinctures have dosage information on the bottle, telling you how much CBD is in each bottle. Our tinctures currently have serving sizes ranging from 25 mg to 67 mg. And, remember, you can always take more or less than one serving at a time to reach your desired effect. For more information on dosing, click here: https://littletreelabs.com/pages/dosage

Is CBD legal?

CBD is federally legal as it is derived from industrial hemp which is governed by state programs created through The Farm Bill. Industrial hemp is tested by the states before harvest and contain less than .3% THC.

Most states laws are aligned with the federal law, but some state laws on hemp derivatives may differ. Check with your local jurisdiction. 

Can I fail a drug test from using industrial hemp products?

Full-spectrum products contain trace amounts of THC.  These micro doses of THC likely and typically won't be detected with short term or intermittent use, but  (ingested products only) can build up in fat cells over time with regular or prolonged use. Topical products will not typically trigger any THC detection, even if a Full-Spectrum product. 

Little Tree Lab's tag line is "Life in Full Spectrum" and although we believe a whole extract, full-spectrum tincture is the most effective product around, we realize that certain people must adhere to certain regulations which is why we now offer a broad spectrum (no detectable THC) tincture option here: https://littletreelabs.com/collections/full-spectrum-hemp-extract-tinctures/products/broad-spectrum-thc-free-tincture